May 19, 2024


About Us

Hello and welcome to my about me page! My name is Tu Her, and I am the founder of Hmong Sports and Competitions (Hmong SNC). I started this organization to promote sports and competitions within the Hmong communities. I strongly believe that extracurricular activities and competitions play a vital role in keeping our youth active and healthy. Through sports and competitions, we can engage our youth and open their eyes to new opportunities.

At Hmong SNC, we understand the importance of being a part of a team. There are millions of benefits to sports and competitions. For example, you can meet new people who will forever change your life, develop leadership skills, learn to trust others, and build your confidence. We want to encourage parents to allow their kids to participate in extracurricular activities and competitions.

One of the exciting things we’ve been doing at Hmong SNC is our Hmong SNC Spotlight page. Our goal is to put a spotlight on our athletes and competitors and promote them to the community. We want to give them the recognition they deserve for their hard work and dedication.